Dyslexia types, Causes, Symptoms, Risk factors, Treatment.

Dyslexia poster

What is Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a disability that is associated with learning processes, and this makes it harder to understand language related tasks and also reading. The disability is noticeable when one is still young, and this is termed as developmental disability.

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Types of Dyslexia

Maths (discalculia)

Reading dyslexia

Writing dysgraphia

Stages of Dyslexia

Moderate: This is where the signs are visible enough and the difficulties are getting significant that one needs specific accommodation, help, instruction or intervention.

Servers stage: This is the stage where one is facing more difficulties even with interventions or help or even any kind of help and at this stage the normal functioning of the brain is interfered with in terms of using the spoken language in order to decode and to process what one has read which is accompanied by breaking down the words to sounds and letters

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Symptoms of Dyslexia

  • Difficulty to spell or write words.
  • Difficulty in memorizing words and their meaning
  • Difficulty in sentence formation in communication
  • Slow in reading as one funds it difficult to form and processors

Diagnosis of Dyslexia

For one to be diagnosed with Dyslexia a number of evaluation is needed but it tests. This involves

  • Testing the language skills.
  • Testing the ability to spell words.
  • Testing their ability to recognize words
  • Testing their vocabulary
  • Testing their comprehension and frequency in reading
  • Early testing in children help to increase learning ability in children

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Treatment of Dyslexia

There is no treatment for the disease but this can be improved by learning intervention which will lead to new ways of learning this may include intervention of a specialist who is trained to teach the child new learning and teaching skills

Slowing down the speed of the lesson so that the child can process and cover up the topic.
